
How do I view form reports?

Whether or not the submissions of the form are being emailed to someone, you can click on the Reports button and view the results online or download a comma file.

After clicking Reports, you will see a date range selector. If you have a large amount of data and only wish to view a limited amount of it, use the calendar icons to set a date for the beginning and end of the date range you wish to view.


View Report
Clicking this button will allow you to see the data submitted to the form in a table format with the Field Names at the top and all the submitted data underneath in chronological order by when it was submitted. netStartEnterprise automatically adds the date and time of the submissions as well.

Create a File
Clicking this button will allow you to save the data submitted to this form in a comma delimited Notepad file, which you can then import into a spreadsheet or database product such as Excel or Access.


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