Use a calendar to keep your visitors and colleagues up to date on activities and events. The entry screen for calendar information allows you to add events for any date or to modify or delete existing events.
Calendar Set Up
Before adding events to your calendar you will want to setup how those events will display. Click the Calendar Setup button and begin creating event categories.
First, select what calendar this category will pull from. If you are using multiple calendars they will be listed in the drop down after "Master Calendar." The Master Calendar simply means 'this calendar.' If you are not using multiple calendars simply select Master Calendar.
In the middle column give the category a name, such as Human Resources, Athletics, Birthdays, etc., and then choose a color for that category from the 13 available colors. To add another category, click
the icon to the right of the color choice drop down and go through the same process. You also have the options to change the order of the categories or to delete categories.
Check the Event Selector box to have your categories appear on the calendar, allowing your visitors to customize their view of the calendar by un-checking certain categories, making them temporarily disappear from the calendar view.
Calendar Options
1. Event Date - Select the date for which you would like to enter, modify, or delete information using the calendar icon to the right of the Event Date.
2. Event Name - Use this space for an event name. The Event Name is the actual phrase or wording that will appear on your calendar. It is usually brief and should be descriptive of your event, meeting or activity. The Event Description (defined below) is where you can enter more details about your scheduled events.
3. Event Type - Your event types are the ones you created in the Calendar Set Up.
4. Start Time and End Time (optional) - Use the pull down menus to select the beginning and ending time of a scheduled event. Events may be scheduled in 15-minute increments using the Start Time and
End Time menus. If you do not set the Start Time and End Time, they default to "None" and the entry will be placed at the top of all other time-scheduled events. These entries may represent "all-day" events or may be interpreted as tasks for that date.
5. Event Description - Enter the details of your event here. The Event Description appears on the pop-up
window, "Today's Events" whenever a user clicks or selects an Event Name from your calendar. You
may use up to 300 characters to describe and give details of your events.
6. Event Recurrence - The netStartEnterprise calendar allows you to specify an event as recurring. Your
options are:
- Never - The default value of no recurrence
- Every Day - An event that appears every day
- Every Weekday - An event that appears every weekday (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday)
- Every Week on this Day - An event that appears every week on a specific day (every Tuesday, for example).
- Every 2 Weeks on this Day - An event that appears every two weeks on a specific day (every other Tuesday, for example)
- Every 3 Weeks on this Day - An event that appears every 3rd week on a specific day (3 weeks from Tuesday)
- Every Month on this Date - An event that appears once a month on a specific date. (The 15th of every month)
- Every Year on this Date - An event that appears once a year on a specific date (a birthday or anniversary, for example)
7. Event Expires - Use the Event Expires field to end your recurring event. Click on the calendar icon to the right of "Event Expires" and select an expiration date from the index calendar. The Expires date represent the last day the event will occur.
Save Changes (YOU MUST SAVE EACH EVENT SEPARATELY) Only saved events will appear on your calendar and in the "Events posted on This Day" area in the editor.
8. Delete Event
Select the event you wish to delete from the "Events posted on This Day" window in the scheduler. After the event is selected click on the Delete Event button. You will see a pop-up prompt asking if you are
sure you want to delete this event. If you are sure that you want to delete it, click "OK." If this is a recurring event you will see another prompt window saying, "This is a Recurring Event. To Modify this Event Only, press OK. To Modify all instances, press All."
If you select OK, only that day's event will be deleted and all other instances of the recurring event will remain on your calendar. If you select All, then every instance of this event will be deleted from the calendar.
Modifying Events
The Event Manager will display the "events schedule" for a given date with each event Start Time.
9. Modify an existing event
- Select the event you wish to modify from the "Events posted on This Day" area on the Event Manager. After the event is selected it will appear in the entry fields.
- Modify the Event Date, Time, Name, Description, or Recurrence.
- Save your changes