
How do I modify web page properties?

Locate a Web Page
To modify or change the properties for a Web Page select 'Modify Web Page Properties' from the Account Manager drop-down menu. The Locate a Web Page selection box will appear. Select the Web Page you wish to modify and select 'Apply' to select and 'Cancel' to exit without selecting.


1. Web Page Properties
Selecting the page name will bring that page information into Account Manager for editing. From the Account Manager you can review the Page Information, select to Allow Multiple Logons, Suspend the Page, or add a user or group of users to manage/maintain this Web Page and it's content.

2. Allow Multiple Logons
This is a rarely used feature because it is not a good idea generally to let two or more people edit the same page at the same time because they may be overwriting one another's content. In some circumstances, for example, allowing multiple (and simultaneous) access to a calendar, it can be useful. In this example if different people in different departments are adding different calendar events it should not be a problem.

2. Suspend this page
Checking the "Suspend this page" box will take the selected page out of the published project. The page will still exist in the database but will not be published until "Suspend this page" is unchecked and the Web Page is republished.

3. Assign a User or Group
To assign a user to the active Web Page select a user (or group) from the Available Users list and use the center arrow to move the user to the Assigned Users list. Likewise an Assigned User can be removed from a Web Page by selecting the user from the Assigned Users list and using the arrow to move it to the Available Users list.

4. Change Template
Having selected a web page to modify, you can change the template type from this drop down menu. Note: Some templates are not compatible for changing, e.g., changing a form to a calendar will result in loss of data.



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