netStartClass v4.0 Web Pages are designed from templates. These templates contain the basic structure of each page and also may contain certain visual elements that give your site a uniform look and feel. With the netStartClass v4.0 Account Manager you can upload new templates, review existing templates and properties, and assign users to edit/maintain specified templates.
1. Upload a Template
Select 'Manage Templates' from the drop-down menu of the Account Manager. Then select 'Upload' from the Account Manager options. This will put the uploaded template active in the Account Manager. Your files will require some formatting to make them fully functioning templates. Formatting specifics are not covered within this help system as they are outside the scope of basic administrative tasks. For more details on template formatting contact your netStartClass v4.0 representative.
2. Select a Template
Select a template from the drop-down menu of Available Templates. The selected template will become the active template. The properties and users for that template will be displayed.
3. Assign a User
In order for a User to be able to create new pages, the User must have that template type assigned to him or her. To assign templates to a user select a user from the Available Users list and use the directional arrow to move the user to the Assigned Users list. Likewise an Assigned User can be removed from a template by selecting the user from the Assigned Users list and using the directional arrow to move the user to the Available Users list.