
How Do I Upload a Document?

To upload a document to your User Folder, select the “File Manager” button at the top of your Project Manager.


The File Manger pop out window will appear displaying your User Folders. netStartClass v4.0 automatically builds default “docs” and “images” folders for each user account. You can always rename, delete, or create new folders within your user folder. The File Manager works very similar to a traditional PC Explorer program found in most modern operating systems.

  1. To upload a document to your “docs” folder, click on the “docs” folder to highlight it.
  2. Once the folder is highlighted, select the “Upload” button found at the top of the File Manager.


Select one of the “Select” buttons to browse your PC for a file. Once you have your file, double click the file name to add it to your upload list. You can add or remove multiple upload files by using the “Add” or “Remove” buttons.

Once you have your document or documents selected, click the “Upload” button to add these to your “docs” folder.


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